Old Typewriters (as high as $100,000)

When selling at an auction, you should know that the more vintage an item is, the higher its value will be. Antique collectors, to their credit, have a knack for examining these things. One example is a typewriter. There is a feeling of nostalgia for these buyers when they look at this historical relic. The first commercially available typewriters were first introduced in 1874 and were widely used in offices and private homes.

These old typewriters can give other items a run for their money in the vintage department, as well as command a higher sum of money in the collectibles arena. A Hooven Automatic Typewriter sold for $7,500 at Branford House Antiques, a store that sells these kinds of things. But the “Rolls Royce” of typewriters, the Malling-Hansen Writing Ball, can reach a price of $100,000.
