Value of Larry Ellison: $49.3 billion Residence: Woodside, California

Larry Ellison, aged 72 and serving as the executive chairman of Oracle, boasts an expansive real estate collection. He has strategically acquired substantial segments of entire neighborhoods in Malibu and surrounding Lake Tahoe. Among his holdings are a lavish $70-million Beechwood Mansion situated in Newport, Rhode Island, a serene garden villa located in Kyoto, Japan, and an impressive 98% ownership of Lanai, Hawaii’s sixth-largest island, which he procured in 2012 for a sum of $500 million, as reported by reputable sources.

Adding to his diverse portfolio, his estate in Woodside, California, designed in emulation of 16th-century Japanese architecture, commands an estimated valuation of $110 million. The estate features a meticulously crafted 2.3-acre artificial lake, enhancing its striking beauty and allure.
